Back in mid-August of 2022, the leader of the "Fair Russia" political party, Sergei Mironov, called for including of electric scooters in the driving regulations. According to his statement, in the first 6 months of 2022, the number of accidents involving the use of personal mobility equipment increased by 174% - 370 cases.
"Slow zones" have been operating in particularly busy places of Moscow for some time, managing the automatic maximum speed limit for scooters up to 5-15 km/h.
And finally, slow zones have emerged in some residential complexes in Moscow – now the maximum speed of electric scooters here will be limited to 15 km/h in the period from 7 am to midnight and 25 km/h at night time. But, it should be kept in mind that the speed limit will refer only to those who are riding rented scooters, and not their own.