Art. PG90750500
Bycicle stands / Bike racks

Art. PG90130010
Art. PG90160010
Art. PG90130010
Art. PG90950400-corten
Art. PG 90450100
Art. PG90950400
Art. PG90210098
Art. PG 90850105
Art. PG 90850100
Art. BS 00115000
Art. PG 90350100
Art. PG90150010
Why bike parking is important for business and the city
The limitation of the popularity of the culture of movement with the use of cycling in our country is directly related, first of all, to the lack of specially equipped spaces for parking bicycles. Of course, additional convenience for lovers of this type of movement can be created by the presence of bicycle paths, but the need to preserve property in their absence is most acute, and it is much easier to solve.The presence of such a simple, but at the same time, strong structure as a bicycle parking next to the supermarket affects not only the convenience of cycling enthusiasts, but, as a result, the attendance of the outlet: the consumer, having an easy opportunity to get to it, is more likely to visit the desired one. him a trading establishment, and not go to another, which will be closer to his home.
As for the positive changes in the appearance of the city, which followed after the increase in the convenience of cyclists' movement along its streets, there is also a thinning of the flow of urban road transport, a decrease in congestion of public transport, a decrease in air pollution, etc.

4 reasons to buy a bike rack from Punto Design:
- Products are made of stainless steel, which prevents exposure to adverse weather conditions.
- The variety of functional forms and design solutions will allow you to choose the ideal option for any urban space.
- Financial savings due to the purchase of goods directly from the manufacturer.
- The absence of an intermediary also simplifies the processes of interaction between the supplier and the customer.